My Favorite Vacation!

This cold weather has got me thinking about how much I miss summer vacation! My favorite vacation that I have ever been on was when I went to Hawaii with my family. My family and I flew to Los Angeles where we had to spend one night in order to make it to Hawaii. From there, we flew to the island of Oahu and we stayed in Hawaii's capital city, Honolulu. Honolulu was gorgeous , it felt like we were in paradise . The resort we stayed at was called the Hilton Hawaiian Village, truth be told, it did feel as big as a village. Our room had beautiful views of the ocean and we got up early enough to watch the sunrise one morning. Just outside our hotel, was the beach; we stayed on Waikiki Beach. On the beach, there was a perfect view of Diamond Head State Mountain . I had never seen such perfect beaches and such beautiful weather before. The sun was blazing during the day, it was so hot. We had to run on the sand because it got so hot that it would burn our feet. I got to learn all ab...